Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern in Colombia

Cartagena was privileged with the visited of Andrew Zimmern, writer, critic, chef and connoisseur of exotic food. He came to the city attracted by her beauty and curious to try the true Caribbean flavor.
Zimmer recorded in this beautiful city on the first episode of the fourth season of Bizarre Foods transmitted by Travel & Living Channel.
The streets, the sea and every corner of the historic center colonial conquered Andrew Zimmern, who was enchanted by the magic of this city and the sweetness of the Portal de los Dulces.
Zimmern travels the world willing to try everything, even the unthinkable. Particularly striking is the ease with which accepts food from different regions, attending local produce markets, which is rare, rare, exotic and sometimes nasty. Bleo Chicken, Beef agouti, armadillo, chicken stew, guartinaja, tripe, black-eyed bean rice, uploaded rice, pork, corn bread with egg, cheese and arepa carimaƱola were some of the dishes and specialties tasted this critical that travels the world making insightful comments and quite clear test of each dish. Mango juice, passion fruit, Corojo, medlar, hicaco, star apple, sapodilla, mamey and even the famous chicha rice fascinated chef.
Bazurto the market square of the city, was the site chosen to sample some of these delicious dishes. There he chose food as guartinaja Mount; armadillo and agouti rabbit or bran; tripe soup and rice frijolito siskin, all with coconut juice.
Guided by the recommendations of the buttons on the hotel where he stayed, Andrew came to the San Diego area, where delicious fried Cartagena sold. Without thinking with his wife where the famous Rishia Magola’s came to taste, as he said “humble and good food” frying, sauces and juices. He said the smell of corn, a hot pepper and sea egg arepa described as addictive.
Attracted by the typical food of each region visited Turbaco, San Cayetano, Palenque and Gambote. In this village, on the banks of the Canal Dam, helped to marry, prepare, cook and eat stifle. San Basilio de Palenque flavor rice ‘gone’ and Creole chicken stewed in coconut milk takes this on your palate. In San Cayetano (San Juan Nepomuceno), the land of Yam, prepared him forest animals like the armadillo and agouti.
He emphasized our country different preparations that are made to a plate and recognized that there are two ways to identify the food: “One is the pre-Columbian and other modern dishes; the latter are ordinary dishes you find in any restaurant and not the names and accompanying beautiful presentations. ”
And like any good tourist, Zimmern, included on their journey to the Archipelago of the Rosario, where he chose as the destination for recording Isla Baru fishing and native cuisine.
If exotic food it is, he’s the expert test, comment and discover the origins of the dishes that dazzled his mouth like the braised eel, fried sea cicadas or brain crude calf has eaten elsewhere.
See full video below.