Zoologico de Cali

Cali Zoo is one of the places most visited tourist attraction and one of the best in the country in both facilities and animals on display.
The park is within the Municipal Forest, along the Cali River, has about 250 animals of 233 species, including amphibians (7%), mammals (21%), reptiles (12%), poultry (30%), fish (21%) and butterflies (9%). Cali Zoo promotes and implements various educational, recreational and research to help preserve Colombian biodiversity and create environmental awareness among the society. It has a total area of 25 hectares, although the park itself has only 9 acres, and the route is about 1.5 kilometers.
Cali Zoo is An environmental organization that offers a unique experience of contact with the natural and cultural wealth of Colombia, which promotes and implements programs of education, communication, recreation and research for the Colombian biodiversity conservation, so we think that based their slogan on the experience that can provide every visitor, is that this space is not only going to see animals but also to get to know their stories and their experiences, to live a day full of new things, stories , stories and much for visiting.