On holiday? Beach or mountains?

Best Ranking beaches and mountains of Colombia’s most wanted for Colombians.


Top 3 destinations Mountain
1. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Two . Nevado del Ruiz
Three . El Peñol

Top 3 Beach Destinations
1. Cartagena
Two . santa Marta
Three . San Andrés

In holiday season is normal to see travelers enlist for best tourism plans , either with family or friends, and the first decision you must make is the destination. In this case , the choice of beach or mountain depends on the taste of the person. Some prefer the beach , the breeze , the sea and the sun while others like the green of the forest, the dew on the trees, the sun rise over the mountains, among other experiences .
Both destinations offer therapeutic and relaxation for the trip with your partner, friends or family with memorable choices.
Benefits of Going to the beach
• Improves mood.
• Stimulates breathing capacity.
• Tones the muscles to be doing physical activity in the water.
• Relax all body muscles

Benefits go to the mountain

• Strengthening heart function .
• When climbing the mountain you lose weight, fat is removed and muscles are toned .
• Relaxation and inner peace.
Additionally, preferred by Colombian destinations offer different options of things to do :
In mountain destinations , may climb the Sierra Nevada , El Nevado del Ruiz or Peñol . These locations also provide options for historical and cultural walking trails, where you can discover and learn about the flora and fauna of each place.
In beach destinations preferred by visitors water sports and diving is about as deep can encourage not know the varieties of fish and aquatic species of place making snorkel . In Cartagena is recommended to know the walled city and the Rosario Islands . In Santa Marta , Tayrona Park stroll and visit San Andres Island Aquarium is a great option .
Whatever the destination, is important to select very good place in which we intend staying .

1. Select a property type that best fits your needs either house, apartment , cottage or another.
Two . Select amenities such as number of rooms, location and proximity to landmarks .
Three . Select a price that fits the budget of the trip .
four.  try to make friends that know the area.

Good luck,

Girls from Mi Casa de amor that had visit or live in Medellin.



Author: Giovanna

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